Online IGCSEs with BSAP
IGCSE students get to follow their passions with flexible, personalised online learning with King’s InterHigh.
Taught by expert UK qualified teachers, we offer a range of subjects. With our live, interactive lessons, students get to collaborate with classmates, and use innovative technologies that boost their learning experience. They will also get 24/7 access to lesson recordings, allowing them to catch up with anything they may have missed and to deepen their understanding.
What are the differences between GCSE and IGCSE?
International GCSEs, also known as IGCSEs, like British GCSEs, are internationally respected two-year courses available in a wide array of subjects, setting a solid foundation for A Levels or the IB Diploma Programme.
The key differences between the two are that IGCSEs can be studied anywhere in the world, and some IGCSE subjects include more globalized content. IGCSE exams are also available in three sessions per year (May to June, November, or January) to accommodate all students. All IGCSEs at BSAP are assessed entirely through examinations, and some subjects may be graded using the traditional ‘A* to G’ system (rather than the new ‘9 to 1’ scale).